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Introduction to Psychopathy


1. Psychopathy as a construct has only emerged in the last century.
2. What percentage of the general population is psychopathic?
3. What percentage of the American prison population is estimated to be psychopaths?
4. The current school of thought on psychopathy is largely an interactive model.
5. The brain of psychopaths has been shown to have differences from a non-psychopathic brain.
5. The brain of psychopaths has been shown to have differences from a non-psychopathic brain.
5. The brain of psychopaths has been shown to have differences from a non-psychopathic brain.
5. The brain of psychopaths has been shown to have differences from a non-psychopathic brain.

Introduction to Psychopathy Quiz

* Before attempting this quiz make sure you have finished watching full webinar video.

1. Psychopathy as a construct has only emerged in the last century.
2. What percentage of the general population is psychopathic?
3. What percentage of the American prison population is estimated to be psychopaths?
4. The current school of thought on psychopathy is largely an interactive model.
5. The brain of psychopaths has been shown to have differences from a non-psychopathic brain.
6. Who invented the Psychopathy Checklist?
7. The PCL-R’s two factors are:
8. A score of 30 or higher qualifies as a prototypical psychopath:
9. The most efficient treatment for psychopathy thus far is:
10. The PCL-R can also serve as a violence risk assessment.
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